Symposium on Drug Discovery @ SwissFEL
About the Symposium:
With the first encouraging SwissFEL experiments in structural biology delivering static and time-resolved information on compound binding it is time to discuss the recent developments and shape the future directions.
The areas to be covered by the talks are focused on the application of Serial Crystallography done at XFELs. Furthermore, recent developments on Cryo-EM as complementing method for bio-structure research will be captured. All lectures and discussions aim to answer the question: What are the benefits for drug discovery?
The contributions should be structured around three sessions:
- Biostructural research at FELs
- Methods, Instrumentation and analysis tools enabling research at FELs
- Recent Developments in Cryo-Electron Microscopy
Symposium topics:
- X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL), opportunities for drug discovery
- Recent developments at SwissFEL and XFELs worldwide
- Method development for sample delivery, measurement and analysis at XFELs
- Application of Cryo-Electron Microscopy in pharmaceutical industry
- Complementation of XFEL and cryo-EM analysis
Keynote/Confirmed speakers:
- Henry Chapman (CFEL)
- Christian Wiesmann (Novartis Pharma)
- Gebhard Schertler (ETH Zurich/PSI)
- Richard Neutze (University of Gothenburg)
- Robert Cheng (leadXpro)
- Jan Pieter Abrahams (University of Basel/PSI)
- Vadim Cherezov (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Petra Fromme (Arizona State University)
- Stephen Soisson (Merck & Co. Inc.)
- Allen Orville (MX – Diamond Light Source)
- Javier Garcia Nafria (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology)
The symposium is co-organized by leadXpro AG and the BIO and Photon Science Divisions of the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI.
Registration and further information: (now open)